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Seventh G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit (P20) - Opening Session and Part I - Floor language

Parliaments for People, Planet and Prosperity.
Opening Session:
- Maria Elisabetta ALBERTI CASELLATI, President of the Italian Senate
- Roberto FICO, President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
- Mario DRAGHI, President of the Council of Ministers, Italy
- Nancy PELOSI, Speaker, House of Representatives, USA
- Duarte PACHECO, President of the Inter-parliamentary Union

Part I: "Response to the Social and Employment Crisis caused by the Pandemic"
Moderator: Meritxell BATET, Speaker, Congress of Deputies, Spain
Keynote Speakers:
- Mathias CORMANN, Secretary-General, OECD (remote)
- Maria Chiara CARROZZA, President, National Research Council, CNR, Italy
- Luca VISENTINI, Secretary General, European Trade Union Confederation
- Valeria RONZITTI, Secretary General, SGI Europe, also representing the other EU employers' organizations BusinessEurope and SME United
(Floor language)


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